Current Works
I believe that we all have layers to us, molded from our experiences, that make us who we are. Some of the time, life experiences can leave one feeling lost, but life goes on and our stories continue. The most rich and dimensional parts of my life have been born out of the most testing times. And when I feel like I have lost a part of myself, I get the opportunity to re-discover who I am.
My current body in its essence is a visual journal that attempts to capture the most vulnerable parts of my life. It is an intimate lens of my experience navigating a failing marriage and the emotions that come with it. It is one of the main themes throughout this body of work. More so, it embodies a fuller, vibrant picture of life at its core. My process and the time I spend crafting every self-portrait provides the needed introspection. Each painting is constructed with the use of thin layers of oil paint over an extended period of time. This allows for my images to evolve naturally and organically, to add vibrancy and dimension. It is a rediscovery of joy and hope that came out of weathered dreams and rawness. This idea embodies the ugly and beautiful parts of life. It is crucial for my work to be profound in someway that is distinctive of the deeper parts of myself and for its vulnerability to hold onto the viewer in a relatable way.
Dragonfly II. 2021. Work in Progress.
Dragonfly I. 2021. Work in Progress.
Dragonfly IV. 2021. Work in Progress.
Dragonfly III. 2021. Work in Progress
Loss. 2020.